Sunday, May 5, 2013

Oh my goodness!  Where is the time going?  I haven't posted a think since January!  I knew it had been awhile, but I really didn't think it had been that long.  I've been busy!  Let me see if I can back track and fill you in a bit.

I made Valentine's Day card for my daughter's class.  She is in a special education class that only has about 7 children, so I LOVE making things for those kids...not too many of them and they love everything!  I'm sure I took a picture of them.  I'll have to look for one.  Then I ended up with the stomach flu, but in reality it started me on a project that I didn't see coming.  While I was sick I lost two pounds, and kept them off!  Then I started the AdvoCare 24 Day Challenge!  While on it I lost 6 lbs...see where this is going?!  Wow, I was down 8 pounds between the flu and the challenge.  I love AdvoCare and decided to be a disturber.  Let me know if you are interested in hearing more about that!  Anyway, then we had some crazy snow storms in these parts.  I didn't do much during that time because the kids were home from school.  It is hard to work when they are wanting something every few minutes.  I also made a card for a mother on my son's baseball team.  She had done a lot of work for the team.  It also gave me a chance to use La La Land Craft's Baseball Luka.  I hear he is retired now, so if you like him, be on the look out.

I really liked this card and it was hard to give away, much like this other card I made.

I used a Penny Black stamp for this image.  I was pleased on how they turned out.  I'm currently working on a paperbag album.  I'll take pictures of it when I am finished to share.  I hope to have it completed this week.  I guess the only other big news now is that I also became a consultant with Close To My Heart.  I have been a customer for years!  I love their products.  I just did that and will post a link to my website soon.  Other than that, it is all about baseball right now at our house and wrapping up the school year.  This school is the closing of a big chapter and the beginning of a new one.  As with most change, there is good and bad.  I'll share more as we get closer.  I promise not to be gone so long next time and I'll share more projects soon!  Happy Cinco de Mayo!

Friday, January 11, 2013

I have been busy crafting!  I have done a couple of scrapbook pages and I am now working on Valentine's Day cards for my daughter's class.  They are not very complicated, but I figure it is okay since they are going to kids.  Doing them is easy...I'm just slow when it comes to coming up with the idea.

We were at church on Sunday and a new sermon series was started.  They are going to have a theme for the year and call it...and it was good.  I thought I might follow through with that because I'm normally is what it is!  I think the two can work well together.

So with that being said, I've also applied for a full time job!  I haven't had a full time job in over 10 years.  I quit working when my daughter was born (she is special needs and required a lot of early intervention).  Anyhow, she is going to be 11 this spring and a job I'd really like to have came open.  I don't think I'll get it, but I threw my hat in the ring anyway.  If nothing happens from it then all will be okay and I'll still have plenty of time for crafting!

I will post pictures of the Valentine's Day cards when I finish and that will be soon, so I can move on to other projects.  My style is simple, so I hope you are not disappointed.  Okay, until next time...


Saturday, January 5, 2013

Well we are now 5 days into the new year.  Can you believe it?!  I've been busy drinking water which is one thing I need to focus on.  I need to get back to drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water a day.  I haven't done that in about a year and I can tell.  I'm not doing to bad.  I've been getting 6 to 7.  I'll get there again.

I've have also been busy crafting away.  I have already scrapbooked a page and started on another.  One thing I'm learning is how to use copic markers.  Here is a copy of a couple images I have been working on.  It looks pretty good, but it is going to take some time to get it right.

Not too bad.  They are cute aren't they!  Can't wait to get better and use them in a card and scrapbook page.

I'm off to get ready for a DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution) meeting, but I'll check back in soon.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year

I can't believe we are at the beginning of yet another year.  I swear we were all just worrying about Y2K!  The year has started with snow!  It snowed yesterday (the kind I like where it stays on the grassy areas and melts on the sidewalks and least until the sun went down and it got dark).  Anyway, we got to play in the snow!  It is very exciting since the winter season for 2011-2012 we only got one snow storm and that snow didn't last but a couple of days.  I always look forward to a new year January 1 is so full of potential.   I've been thinking of how I'd like my year to be.  I want to read more, scrapbook more, and have more fun!  I just started this blog as a way to keep me accountable in someways.  I know it isn't going to be anything that has a big following, but I will pretend it does.  So here we go...

Happy New Year